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Name From Attack  Sell PriceOther  Tradable
▶ClawMole, Smithing130-140 (145)7,800Evasion+5%,Accuracy+10%
*Claw +Bailune Blacksmith140-155Avoidance +7%, Hit +14%, Physical Power is Increased as Higher is CRT
KnuckleSmithing9-2442Hit +5
▶SickleBaphomet, Smithing140-150 (155)8,320Critical Rate+5%, Magic R-10%
*Sickle +Spargas Blacksmith152-162 (167)MaxMP+5%, CRT+10%, Magic resistance -10%
▶Flame ClawVork, Smithing145-155 (160)10,000Vit+5,Poison+10%,Item delay-1sec
*Flaw Claw IISpargas Blacksmith155-165 (170)100,000Fire element, Autoskill trigger +2%, Magic resistance -15%, hidden: MP consumption -10%, defending with probability of magic counterattack
▶CarnyxGusanoth150-160 (165)12,000Max HP+10%, Earth attribute
*Duel NyxPilaneza Blacksmith150-160 (165)(Carnyx Upgrade) DEF: 4, MaxHP+12%, Evasion +4%, Magic resistance -10%, When equipped with Duel Slit, probability of additional attack with increased damage
▶KodachiGanei155-165 (170)40,000Range+1,Critical damage+5%,Magic R-20%
*Kodachi IIBailune Blacksmith160-17550,000Range +1, Critical damage +7%, Magic resistance -20%, melee +2% to neutral, melee up by crt
▶GrailGrail155-162 (167)42,000Atk-50%,Magic R-10%, water element(Hidden performance: when attacking, about 25% magic attack ※ trigger percent chance) Magic attack = attack*3 + MATK/2 - MDEF
*Grail IIPilaneza Blacksmith174-184 (189)Water element, ATK -50%, Magic resistance -5%, MATK increased by 30% of CRT, hidden: when attacking, probability of magic attack
PumpunchLottery(Hallowen Event16-?1,000agi+1,Evasion+10%,Critical damage+10%,ATK up based on lv
▶EsmeraldaJimofu160-170 (175)50,000DEF:2, MATK +8%, magic resistance -20%, CRT+4 Wind Element, with a probability rate of rise critical: (hidden correction: MaxMP +10%)
*Esmeralda IIBailune Blacksmith165-175 (180)75,000DEF:3, Wind Element, CRT+4, Avoidance +10%, Critical Damage +2%, Magic Resistance -20%, When Attacking: Probability of Rise of Critical Rate (Hidden Correction: MaxMP+?%)
AlacranMagona173-183 (188)52,000Water element, Evasion+5%, Magic resistance-20%, when attacking, add. attack probability, (hidden: range+1, when attacking, MP recovery probability)
EclairDyron the Blacksmith, Carpentry165-175 (180)100,000Light Element, heal recovery increase, magic resistance -20%, when attacking, additional attack x 1.5 by chance
JudgementDyron the Blacksmith, Smithing170-180 (185)130,000CRT+10, Max MP+8%, MATK+5%, Magic resistance-20%, when defending, probability of additional counter attack
Sauro FangSauro148-158VIT+4, AGI+4, MaxMP+20%, Range+1
Sion CapellGerust177-187 (192)60,000All elements, heal reward up by AGI (about 2x amount of AGI), HP Recovery +20%, Magic Resistance -20%, Magic Attack Chance
Knuckle SlitEternity Maze100-110 (115)1DEF: 5, MP Natural Recovery +20%, MaxMP +20%, VIT +2, Physical and Magic Resistance +5%, HP recovered by consuming MP (about 10% of MaxHP)
Blatt ArmLeaf Dragon162-172 (177)48,500Magic Resistance -20%, Range +1, If VIT is less than 127, growth rate -?%
Temple ScrollLv153-154 Mariquita, Blacksmith145-155 (160)Critical Rate +15, Wind Element, Magic Resistance-20%
Brigand KnifeNuit181-191 (196)80,000Physical Power +100, Heal Recovery +10%, Magic R -15%, MP Natural Recovery +25%, INT increases critical damage.
LobaminethAnniversary Event50-6010,000CRT +5, Twice attack chance, auto skill chance -10%, magic immunity -10%
Lobamineth IIAnniversary Event100-11030,000CRT+10, Twice attack chance, autoskill -5%, Absolute Evasion -5%
EmpedracleAnniversary Event166-173DEF:3, ATK up when HP is low, ATK +6%, Critical Rate +10, Magic R -20%

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