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Name  From   Attack   Sell Price      Other   Tradable 
Wooden Bow Nepheel, Carpentry, Quest 26-36 (41) 33
Slingshot Brosch, Carpentry, MQ  12-22 (27) 20 ✔
Slingshoot  Young Girl [Quest]  30 20  ✗
Plywood Bow Goblin, Baum , Carpentry 38-48 (53)  43  ✔
Compound Bow Molbrosch, Carpentry, Bailune Blacksmith 65-75 (80) 70  Accuracy+10% ✔
Composite Bow Death Chiro, Gargoyle, Carpentry 80-90 (95) 75  ✗
▶Catalpa Bow Coatl, Ent, Shelfy, Lunite Elder  78-88 (93) 110MATK +3%, MDEF +20 ✗
*Shigeto BowMinaula Blacksmith148-158 (163)30,000MATK +6%, MDEF +40, Range +2
▶Bandit Bow Vole 98-108 (113) 2450  AGI +5, Critical Damage +10%  ✔
*Assassin BowKleya Blacksmith108-1338,450INT +1, AGI +5, Critical Damage +5%
▶Flame Bow  Itzamna, Carpentry 88-98 (103) 120Fire Element ✗
*Inferno BowWibo Blacksmith118-133 (138)1,200Fire Element
**Crimson BowBailune Blacksmith148-163 (168)100,000Fire Element, When attacking, probability of magic attack
Bandit Bow Vole, Carpentry 98-108 (113) 2,450AGI +5, Critical Damage +10% ✔
Diel Bow  Tiel 68  1,100  DEX+12, Hidden: ASPD+12% ✗ 
▶Centipede Dark Knight, Carpentry 125-135 (140) 1,750  Accuracy -20%, Dark Element, Range +2 ✔
*Centipede IIDrafbourg Blacksmith165-175 (180)5,250Accuracy -10%, Dark Element, Range +2, MaxMP +10%
▶Rapid Fire Manticore, Carpentry  68-78 (83) 3,620  CRT Rate +15, ASPD +50% ✔
*BlitzKleya Blacksmith78-93Critical Rate +15%, ASPD +50%, VIT +2
▶Wing Bow Sturm  120-130 (135)  4,200  ASPD +10%, Wind Attribute ✔
*FlugelSaterica Blacksmith120-140 (145)8,500ASPD +10%, Wind attribute, DEX +5
**Wing Bow SturmSpargas Blacksmith140-160 (165)170,000ASPD +20%, Wind attribute, DEX +10, CRT +5, When attacking, chance of 1.25x normal damage
▶SemeionEXB-0716, Carpentry120-130 (135)5,800Critical Damage +12%, INT+3
*Semeion IISaterica Blacksmith130-145 (150)Critical Damage +14%, INT +3, MDEF +5%
▶Titan Bow  Burnos 140-150 (155)  6,300  DEF:5, Earth Element ✔
*Hecaton BowElban Blacksmith150-160 (165)15,000DEF:5, Earth Element, MaxHP +500, Additional attack chance
**Hecaton Bow+Drafbourg Blacksmith170-180 (185)45,000DEF:5, Earth Element, MaxHP +1000, Probability of additional attack
▶Icicle Bow Lichet, Alchemy  130-140 (145) 6,400  MDEF +50, Water Attribute ✔
*Icicle Bow IIElban Blacksmith140-150 (155)17,800DEF:4, Water element, MDEF +100, Magic Resistance +5%
Sauro Shooter Sauro 145-155 (160) 10,000  AGI +3, CRT +3, -1 skill delay ✔
Leek Bow Landarium  125-135 (140) 12,000  ASPD+20% ✔
▶Odium Ganoschka, Carpentry  140-150 (155)  8,100  Hate growth -30% ✔
*Audium IIMinaula Blacksmith146-165 (170)Hate Growth Rate -40%, Hit +5%
Simoon Harpy, Carpentry 100-110 (115) 9,000  ASPD +40%, Accuracy +15%, Autoskill +2% ✔
▶Le Feu Sand Dragon Zant 150-160 (165) 15,600  VIT+5, Poison+10% , Item delay-1sec ✔
*Le Feu+Spargas Blacksmith160-175 (180)234,000VIT +5, Poison +15%, Item Delay -1sec, Hidden: When defending, probability of recovering HP
Parring Bow Solf(quest)  98-104 3,000  Critical rate+10, evasion up by 50% of dex ✔
▶Violaceum Tarante 156-166 (171)  20,000  Accuracy+5%, Skill delay-1sec, Hate rise -15% ✔
*ViolakrileSpargas Blacksmith166-176 (181)100,000Accuracy +6^, Skill delay -1.2sec, Hate rise -20%
▶Amaterasu  Shojo 162-172 (177) 30,000  Melee+20% to neutral, Small MP recovery by attack, INT+3,range+2 ✔
*Amaterasu OkamiMinaula Blacksmith170-180 (185)150,000Melee +20% to neutral, Small MP recovery by attack, INT +4, Range +2, Critical Damage +5%
Yumi BowKijimu Lottery (Event)30-401Special bow, VIT+1, Hit+5%, Level 100 or more get a small ATK increase (ATK+60 for Lv100+)
Alnilam Metal Blau 170-180 (185) 50,000  Critical rate +10%, ASPD+20%, Light Element ✔
GandivaBailune Blacksmith, Carpentry175-185 (190)100,000Universal element, CRT Rate +20%, Magic Evade -50%, additional attack chance
Arcus LiloBailune Blacksmith, Carpentry184-197130,000INT+1, MP Consumption -10%, Magic resistance +5%, hate rise -20%, skill delay -0.5 second, magic evade -30% (hidden: when attacking, crt and hit is increased)
MoonlightThe Four (Quest)175-1851ATK+5%, ASPD-100%, -1 second skill delay, +5% MP consumption, (hidden: MATK-25%)
Captain BowBeelzem180-190 (195)?MaxHP-10%, Improved Critical, When DEX>199, Autoskill +5%
▶Seele BowHerald of Underworld43-53 (58)100,000Magic Bow, ATK is increased according to Lv, When attacking, probability of magic attack (ATK increases 1/2 each level)
*Seele Bow+Pilaneza Blacksmith53-63 (68)Magic Bow, ATK is increased according to Lv, When attacking: probability of magic attack
Quick FireEternity Maze1-10For every 1 STR....? Status rise after confirmation?
Illusion BowMoldus192-202 (207)80,000ATK+10%, Skill delay -0.5 seconds, Accuracy +5%, Magic Resistance +5%
Diablos BowNero186-196 (101)DEF:3, Skill Delay +0.5sec, ATK +10%, Critical Damage +10%, Hate -25%
FailnaughtAnniversary Event160-16710,000Accuracy +50, Delay -0.5sec, Melee up by 50% of Level
▶MigrataleMermaid Event
Rainbow Algae Lottery
55-60DEX +6
*Migratale IIElban Blacksmith
**Migratale IIIBailune BlacksmithDEX +6, Critical Damage +10%, MP Consumption -10%, Hate Growth Rate -10%. When attacking, chance of additional attack

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